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Camera cropped with version 3

The camera image has been dramatically cropped with verison 3.0 of the sdk.

I attached two screenshots of our app, and you can clearly see that the four boxes I placed at each border are almost invisibile in version 3

Please note that to be sure that it was not a screen problem, I divided the render zone by 2:

    config.mSize.data[0] /= 2;
    config.mSize.data[1] /= 2;

This problem only occurs on ios8 devices.

Is this problem know ?

I do not have access to Vuforia samples 2.8, but the samples v 3.0 also have this crop.

Do you have any news about this ?

Hi Alessandro,


Thanks for your reply.

On my screenshots, you can see the full camera feed as returned by the vuforia library.



You are right, it's not an ios8 problem

I attached 6 screenshots to this mail, showing that the problem comes from vuforia 3.

The strange thing is, that the same screenshots on a non retina device on ios6 is always "cropped" !



Here is a test on a 4th device: an iPad3 (retina) with ios8.

The two screenshot are taken witht the size divided by 2 again, one with MODE_OPTIMIZE_SPEED, the other with MODE_OPTIMIZE_QUALITY.

Thanks for this test. The speed vs quality screenshots are helpful.

just to be on the safe side, would you mind sharing your "custom" version of the configureVideoBackground function ? so I can try executing the same code.


I did test the speed mode for the getVideoMode, I was not aware that there was a selectVideoMode that needed to be changed also, sorry for that. By the way, I dont understand the use of the getVideoMode parameter, if it's forced to be equal to the select.
