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Enable Photo Capture

I'm currently implementing Vuforia on my native iOS app and I need to enable photo capture while using it (Like the usual camera with AR capability). The problem is I'm stuck with the photo capture feature. I've tried to look for resources for this but unfortunately, I haven't seen any. How do I implement this? or am I missing something here? Is it not allowed? I've tried implementing it with a custom camera view but I don't think its the right way to do it since custom camera view uses `AVCapturePhotoCaptureDelegate`, `AVCaptureSession`, `AVCapturePhotoOutput`, `AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer`. Your help would be very much appreciated. Thank you in advance.


Fri, 11/03/2017 - 15:05

Did you manage to find a solution for this? I am trying to do the same thing but struggling to find a way that works reliably.



This article explains how to get the camera frame in Vuforia: https://library.vuforia.com/content/vuforia-library/en/articles/Solution/Working-with-the-Camera.html#How-To-Access-the-Camera-Image-in-Native

Is this what you are having issues with?



Sat, 11/04/2017 - 14:28

In reply to by Strasza

Hi Strasza,

I have tried something very similar to this by getting a frame image from the presenting view (example below). The Vuforia::Frame only provides the background view from the camera but I need to get augmented scene in the same image. Is there a way to do that?


Tue, 11/07/2017 - 11:26

I have managed to get this working so sharing the solution incase anyone else needs to do the same.

I have added a method to the VuforiaEAGLView instance that takes the pixels rendered from the buffer and creates an image that is the same size as the viewport.