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Error AVCaptureDevice


Good Afternoon I'm Problems Start the Camera. Whenever this error appears.


Please use AVCaptureDevice activeVideoMinFrameDuration I pulled a Print Screen.



When do you see this error message?

What sample is it?

What device?

What iOS version?

Which SDK?





Fri, 12/06/2013 - 17:53

Good Afternoon, Thank you for your attention, since discovering the errors of my project.
is there a way for me to put a button to exit the camera.

Search the forums for UIButton.


When I run the ImageTargets application on an iOS7.0.4 device I do not see the error message you described.

How can I reproduce it?  or have you modified the sample?






ok thanks, My error was that I did not put QCARRutils more could fix this now working. I modified the ImageTargets Project, added a ListView with Obj Files, choose the User Obj in ListView. After Starts image. Publish button now want to return to again list.
