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i made a cutom app with unity and build it to xCode. When i start the app and show the tracing object to the camera, app freezes and xCode shows an error in DisplayManager.mm;

	if(surface.context != nil)
		PreparePresentRenderingSurface(&surface, [[DisplayManager Instance] mainDisplay]->surface.context);

		EAGLContextSetCurrentAutoRestore autorestore(surface.context);
		GLES_CHK(glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, surface.systemColorRB));
		[surface.context presentRenderbuffer:GL_RENDERBUFFER]; //Thread 1:EXC_BAD ACCESS(code=1, adress=0x1)

			RenderingSurfaceParams params =
				surface.msaaSamples, (int)requestedRenderingSize.width, (int)requestedRenderingSize.height,
				surface.use32bitColor, surface.use24bitDepth, surface.cvTextureCache != 0
			[self recreateSurface:params];

			needRecreateSurface = NO;
			requestedRenderingSize = CGSizeMake(surface.targetW, surface.targetH);

I searched for a solution on this forum and some other sites but didn't get one yet...(i think this link doesn't work anymore https://developer.vuforia.com/forum/unity-3-extension-technical-discussion/unity-454-and-vuforia-ios)

Unfortunately the error still occurs. my Info.plist already got that line;

Supported interface orientations

    -Item0 Portrait(bottom home button)


Initial interface orientation  Portrait(bottom home button)

yeah, now i'm trying with the videoplayback unity package and everything works fine but in my app the error still occurs. That's the last thing the log says;

-> applicationDidBecomeActive()