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Gets Black Screen in My Screenshots with Prime31 Social Network


Im using Vuforia + Prime31 Social Network, and i want to capture screenshots and  share it via email or facebook, but when i capture screenshot  the QCAR stops and i get the blackscreenshot with my GUI. How can i capture screenshot with vuforia ?

here is my code that im using from Prime31:


using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using Prime31;




public class SharingGUIManager : MonoBehaviourGUI


public static string screenshotFilename = "someScreenshot.png";



void Start()


// listen to the events fired by the SharingManager for illustration purposes

SharingManager.sharingFinishedWithActivityTypeEvent += ( activityType ) =>


Debug.Log( "sharingFinishedWithActivityTypeEvent: " + activityType );

} ;


SharingManager.sharingCancelledEvent += () =>


Debug.Log( "sharingCancelledEvent" );

} ;


// grab a screenshot for later use

Application.CaptureScreenshot( screenshotFilename );




void OnGUI()




if( GUILayout.Button( "Share URL and Text" ) )


SharingBinding.shareItems( new string[] { "http://prime31.com", "Here is some text with the URL" } );




if( GUILayout.Button( "Share Screenshot" ) )


Application.CaptureScreenshot( screenshotFilename );

var pathToImage = System.IO.Path.Combine( Application.persistentDataPath, screenshotFilename );

if( !System.IO.File.Exists( pathToImage ) )


Debug.LogError( "there is no screenshot avaialable at path: " + pathToImage );




SharingBinding.shareItems( new string[] { pathToImage } );




if( GUILayout.Button( "Share Screenshot and Text" ) )


Application.CaptureScreenshot( screenshotFilename );

var pathToImage = System.IO.Path.Combine( Application.persistentDataPath, screenshotFilename );

if( !System.IO.File.Exists( pathToImage ) )


Debug.LogError( "there is no screenshot avaialable at path: " + pathToImage );




SharingBinding.shareItems( new string[] { pathToImage, "Here is some text with the image" } );






if( bottomRightButton( "Facebook..." ) )


Application.LoadLevel( "FacebookTestScene" );







Thank You
