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How build a new project with Xcode 7.3

    I want to use the SDK to build a new project but I have a lot of problems for it.I build a new project for Xcode7.3 and I import vuforia-sdk-iOS but it always tell me 'unknown type name 'namespace' ',I have made my file with .mm and change all things but it doesn't work. It makes me very depressed,I have google for all the documents but nothing .I event  use your demo create a new 'UIViewController' file  and import 'SampleApplicationSession.h' it still tell me the error.Who can tell me  why ,I need the SDK developer's help


Have you followed the instructions for building the Vuforia samples?



Hi,I had reded them and I've been running the demo on my phone.But I have create an file of "UIViewController", import SampleApplicationSession.h as well.