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How do I push a view controller once an image tracker is recognized?

How do I push a view controller once an image tracker is recognized? Where do I call [self presentModalViewController: ] from? I want to recognize an image, and push a view controller with my own views in it. I can show a view, by adding my own view as a subview in EAGLView's render method, but I need an entire view controller to be shown.


Thu, 04/12/2012 - 13:15

In the render method I added the following code: if ((trackable->getStatus(), "DETECTED")) { [self.delegate EAGLView:self didRecognizeMarkerAtIndex:targetIndex]; } The problem is that this gets called like 60 times/second, as long as the tracker is on screen.

That's good Supereid86 - but take heed of the first item as well: "If you want to invoke a pop-up screen on only the first detection, you need to set up the logic to do that." It could be possible to get a second 'frame' after detection causing another attempt to pop-up a modal view, before pauseA