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interactive lighting in an AR scene

I wonder if it's possible to move lights around in real time to effectively create a simlar lighting experience as in the real world.  

for example :  Add a box collider to a light.. then a finger gesture to drag the light around.  

I'm guessing Unity bakes all the lighting out in advance... ? 

I guess I could cheat it by creating different lit textures in advance within Maya & then in Unity assign buttons with several lighting scenarios..

outdoor / indoor, single overhead light, three point lighting, spot light, camp fire    & the most popular ...  PITCH BLACK    ;)

not perfect but may create more realism.


Mmm HDR  ...  imagine using the camera to grab a still shot of the immediate environment and then use that as a HDR image to texture the object... 




Fri, 08/31/2012 - 01:20

WOw...  I just created interactive lighting !     

I can drag my lights anywhere within the AR scene in Realtime... looks great !

 I can see the shadows react as I drag my lights around objects.. 

Thx again  :)