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interface orientation issue

hello, I am currently trying to make the A.R. view to adapt the interface orientation for the purpose I am using [CODE]arView onPause[/CODE] then I reinit the view using the following code [CODE]QCAR::deinit(); switch (interfaceOrientation) { case UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft: NSLog(@"%d",ARData.QCARFlags|QCAR::ROTATE_IOS_180); QCAR::onSurfaceChanged(ARData.screenRect.size.height, ARData.screenRect.size.width); QCAR::setInitParameters(QCAR::ROTATE_IOS_180); break; case UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight: NSLog(@"%d",ARData.QCARFlags); QCAR::onSurfaceChanged(ARData.screenRect.size.height, ARData.screenRect.size.width); if (QCAR::setInitParameters(ARData.QCARFlags)==0) NSLog(@"hi"); break; case UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait: NSLog(@"down"); QCAR::onSurfaceChanged(ARData.screenRect.size.width , ARData.screenRect.size.height); QCAR::setInitParameters(QCAR::ROTATE_IOS_90); break; case UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown: NSLog(@"left"); QCAR::onSurfaceChanged(ARData.screenRect.size.width, ARData.screenRect.size.height); QCAR::setInitParameters(QCAR::ROTATE_IOS_270); break; default: break; } int nPercentComplete; do { nPercentComplete = QCAR::init(); } while (0 <= nPercentComplete && 100 > nPercentComplete); [/CODE] and finally I use [CODE]arView onResume[/CODE] this code adapt the camera image in the Background the first time but then I can't go back to the initial orientation (UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight). here are my spec: using the native version of QCAR Mac OS 10.6.8 xcode4 ios 4.3.5 Ipad 2 ps : sorry if my english is bad

[QUOTE=MoSR]Hi iguana_2, In the release, both native and Unity versions of our apps are designed to work in the upside-down variant as required by Apple. This was not the case with the earlier beta - have you tried with the release? Remember it's only the augmentation that needs to rotate, not th

[QUOTE=MoSR]Thanks for the report Alessandro, we'll take a look.[/QUOTE] You're welcome! I think QCAR is amazing and it works really well, in fact the only problem i found is this one (its a big one only because of Apple policy on ipads). The marker could be anything, you can move around the mark

Hi iguana_2, If you set up your Unity project to start in Portrait (or to start in Landscape), then when your iOS project is built, from Xcode set the info.plist for "Supported Interface Orientation" to include the inverted orientation as well. This will allow the app to start up in Portrait/Portr

[QUOTE=MoSR]Hi iguana_2, If you set up your Unity project to start in Portrait (or to start in Landscape), then when your iOS project is built, from Xcode set the info.plist for "Supported Interface Orientation" to include the inverted orientation as well. This will allow the app to start up in Po

The symptoms you describe are what we see when, in your Unity project, you have set "Default Orientation" to "Auto Rotation", which we don't support. When you come back to your iPad version, please double check that you are setting "Default Orientation" to "Landscape Left" or "Portrait".


Wed, 10/12/2011 - 18:47

[QUOTE=MoSR]However note that there is one limitation that we haven't provided a script example for - to rotate any overlaid gui.

[QUOTE=MightyGoober]Has this been implemented in a current or next release of QCAR Unity? Looking forward to keeping my GUI supported in both portrait and landscape.[/QUOTE] I'm afraid we've not had time from our Unity specialists.


Wed, 11/16/2011 - 18:22

"We'll post a script snippet when it's been approved and tested" Is this ready for prime-time and if so can you direct me to it?

I can't seem to follow this discussion. I have the same problem with a stretched camera view. I want my iOS/Android app to have landscape left/right orientation. Is this possible in any way using the Unity extension? Any workaround?


Fri, 06/22/2012 - 03:44

Yes it's possible to build apps with either LL or LR orientation. Are  you running Unity 3.5.2? If so, please see - https://ar.qualcomm.at/content/unity-352f2-and-ios-fixed-orientation-causes-distorted-output



I am having the same issue of the ar camera being in landscape even though the app is in portrait with apps created with Unity.  I'm seeing this though with devices running both ios 7 and 8.  The same app runs correctly on Android.