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iOS 10 iPhone 6 - Crash when camera starting up

So I have a Vuforia app running perfectly on many versions of Android.

I have ported the Unity project to a MAC running Unity & XCode.

App compiles and deploys correctly to an iPad Air2 and iPhone 6 both running iOS 10.

App on iPad works no problem.

App on iPhone 6 crashes as soon as the camera is initialised by Vuforia.


I have tried both Mono 2.x and IL2CPP both cause the same issue.

I have also set the Optimization modes to FAST and FASTEST / SMALLEST.


Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?


Unity: 5.4.1f1

iOS: 10

iPhone 6

iPad Air2

We have similar problem where on iPhone 5S ios 10 camera not working. App worked fine till ios 10 update came out, but now on iPhone 5S app just not works. And it looks like there is some graphical bug also. On every other apple device app works fine.


I am facing the exact same issue. 
I have built the app in unity, and created apk's for Android - it works like a charm.

Have you set the NSCameraUsageDescription key in the plist?  This key used to be "recommended" but is now required, and the app will crash if you access the camera without it.