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iOS7 deprecated AVCaptureVideoDataOutput and AVCaptureConnection methods



Since iOS7, some of the AVCaptureConnection and AVCaptureVideoDataOutput methods are flagged as deprecated. We want to make a final build for a product, so I was wondering when these methods will be replaced by others. The methods in specific are:[quote]AVCaptureConnection videoMinFrameDuration, isVideoMinFrameDurationSupported, setVideoMinFrameDuration, setVideoMaxFrameDuration

AVCaptureVideoDataOutput setVideoSettings[/quote]

I have asked someone on a iOSDev IRC channel if this is something I should be worried about, he said I should be fine till october next year. However, I want to prevent to create another build just to fix a posible removed method. So my question to you is, have you planned on replacing those deprecated methods and if so, when will this 'fix' be released?