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Multiple Frame markers common space


I am trying to create an iOS app with the following feature


Camera opens and it finds a Frame marker (A) and it draws a 3d object on top of it (simple enough)

At this point user puts in another Frame marker (B) while it is showing (A) with a 3d object on top of it

now without moving the Marker (B) user takes out Marker(A) 

Now the requirement is that the original 3d image that was on Marker (A) to remain in place with the help of Marker (B)

What i tried was when i found marker B i stop rendering with Marker(A) and i rendered using Marker (B) , i just gave a different offset using

SampleApplicationUtils::translatePoseMatrix(offset.x, offset.y, z, &markerBViewMatrix.data[0]);

this kinda works but the view is screwed up shows up at a weird angle


Any Help whatsoever will be greatly appreciated