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Need CloudRecoEAGLView just to recognize images?


  I am trying to adapt the iOS sample code so the cloud image recognition works in my app. I have previously gotten the ARKit image recognition to work but that seems to be limited to around twenty five images stored in the resources in the app, and I need to recognize more images than that, so I am looking at the cloud recognition code in Vuforia. 

  I have run the sample recognition app and see that it recognizes images, and have added my own images and have gotten them to work. Now, for my app. Do I need to add the CloudRecoEAGLView to my app if I only want to recognize the image? I don't want to draw a teapot on my image, I just want to recognize the image ;-) 

  Do you have any documentation that describes the SDK? It seems like I have to try to figure everything out from the sample code, and that's not always easy. 





Hi Larry,

Here is some documentation on Cloud Reco: https://library.vuforia.com/content/vuforia-library/en/articles/Training/Cloud-Recognition-Guide.html as well as our API documentation: https://library.vuforia.com/content/vuforia-library/en/reference/cpp/index.html