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Nil Asset Fed Into AVPlayer

I have a video playback app that downloads content from an FTP and stores it in the Documents directory.

Aside from not having the files in the bundle (theres 500mb of video data...), not much has changed in the EAGLView or the VideoPlayerHelper classes from the sample... 

Though one thing to mention - not sure that it is relevant, but... - because there is so much video, the way of iterating over the ENUM of targets wont work cause it inflates too much memory on some devices, so I've switched to a single instance of the VideoPlayerHelper... 

Also, iOS tends to have this issue where the location of the Documents directory changes from launch to launch, but im seing it change literally between ViewControllers, so Im replicating a convenience method to walk the path to my files across classes, and not pass the full path of the fle from EAGLView to VPHelper... 

I've verifed by breakpoints and various error checks that the file and path exists, and I KNOW that they exist by both browsing the Documents in the Devices tab of Xcode and by manually loading the assets into a MPMoviePlayerController instance in another, non-vuforia, class.

Anyways, when I try to call the loadLocalMediaFromURL method with my re-constructed NSURL, my asset is nil... or sometimes, it has a memory address, but the siz or duration (referenced in prepareAssetForPlayback) are Zero... then when it gets to prepareAssetForReading, there are no a/v tracks... Sometimes it will pass the checks and just log its status as unready/unable to play (seems to be dependent upon how slow/fast i brekpoint it, but thats jsut a hunch), and most times it just crashes with a nil NSException ... 

Has anyone here successfully played back media from the Documents directory into the VideoPlayerHelper ??