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Problems with OcclusionManagement sample scene and device orientation

Im tearing my hair out over this. Whenever I try running the example "QCAR-OcclusionManagement" scene on the iPhone, the app says "The Occlusion sample must have a landscape left orientation". It prevents me from doing anything other than closing the app. Now I could modify the code to remove this, but I wonder why its a problem. I have the orientation set to landscape-left in Unity and also in Xcode (plist and project settings) It currently does not support any other orientations. I tried messing around with orientations in Xcode and did get it to sorta work (half the screen was black) without supporting landscape left. Had anyone had this issue? Im stumped.


Wed, 05/30/2012 - 04:12

Which version of the iOS Unity Extension are you using, and which version of Unity are you using? To confirm, when you run the sample, and it is set-up for Landscape Left as the 'Default Orientation' under Player Settings, you're still seeing "The Occlusion sample must have a landscape left orienta


Wed, 05/30/2012 - 04:54

Thanks for the reply. Right now Im using Unity 3.5.2f2 with the vuforia extensions 1-5-9. Perhaps one of them is out of synch? In my player settings I have specified Landscape left and also in the Xcode project settings/plist. It doesnt seem to make a difference though.