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Reshowing the InfoViewController

I am trying to (at the moment), on detection of a trigger with a certain index value re-present the InfoViewController which appears at the start of the Application launching. I am using the following code which does nothing in EAGLView.mm in the renderFrameQCAR method on detection of Triggers on screen:


if(!imageShowing){ // Boolean set to NO at first so only triggers this code once.
  imageShowing = YES;
  VideoPlaybackAppDelegate* app = (VideoPlaybackAppDelegate*)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
  InfoViewController* infoViewController = [[InfoViewController alloc] init];
  [app rootViewControllerPresentViewController:infoViewController inContext:YES];

The Log only fires once as it should but then after that nothing happens. All the imports are correct. Eventually this view I would like to present over the top on the Camera will not be the InfoViewController but I am using this for testing at the moment.


Any ideas?

Please note that the renderFrameQCAR() method is run on a background thread, and that anything that updates the UI needs to be done on the main thread.