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Sound problem

Hello, I use QCAR-iOS-1.0.0beta1.unitypackage, my MacOS version is 10.6.7 Xcode version Version 4.1 (4B110f), Unity version is 3.4.0 f5, my iPhone device model is iPhone 4 GSM, OS vision 4.3.2 the problem is, there is no sound when I run the application on my iPhone , I didn't face this problem with android . I have an audio clip (mp3 format) and I attached to my ImageTarget object in Unity , I want to play this clip when ImageTarget is detected and pause it when the target lost , so I modified the code in TrackableEventHandler.cs as the following : private void OnTrackingFound() { Renderer[] rendererComponents = GetComponentsInChildren(); // Enable rendering: foreach (Renderer component in rendererComponents) { component.enabled = true; } audio.Play(); Debug.Log("Trackable " + mTrackableBehaviour.TrackableName + " found"); } private void OnTrackingLost() { Renderer[] rendererComponents = GetComponentsInChildren(); // Disable rendering: foreach (Renderer component in rendererComponents) { component.enabled = false; } audio.Pause(); Debug.Log("Trackable " + mTrackableBehaviour.TrackableName + " lost"); } ------------ as you see audio.Play() & audio.Pause() has been added. and the audio clip is already attached to my ImageTaregt object in Unity, but there is no sound . my clip is 2D sound and I checked all its attributes including the volume. please how to solve this problem. Thank you,,,

Waheed, before we investigate further, can you confirm that audio.Play() and .Pause() work with your audio file when used on other events, within and outside of a QCAR Unity project?

Thank you,, audio.Play() and .Pause() doesn't work with me within or outside of a QCAR Unity project., in andriod Unity QCAR every thing works fine. Note : I use a triel version of Unity iOS , does this effect in some functions like audio play ?

Thanks for trying that out Waheed - at least you now know that QCAR isn't the culprit. You'll need to look on the Unity forums for an answer to your audio.Play() not working on iOS, unless somebody reading in has experience of this?