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TargetFinder Scanline shows black after reInit



This issue is while using IOS SDK VER 2.0.31. I have seen this on an iPhone5

I am having a bit of an issue with the cloud targetfinder scan line.

I have an app where my cloud view opens and displays the targetfinder scanner etc. When I switch to another view I close down my AR completely. When I come back to my AR view and reinitialise everything the scanline is a black bar, as if it is displaying an invalid texture. The scanning key points display correctly, although ocassionally but not always they too display as black squares rather than with their correct textures.

It is very difficult to debug this since the targetfinder is all wrapped up behind TargetFinder.h, the textures seem to be generated procedurally and I can't tell when they are actually rendered in the QCAR render loop.

Any pointers would be much appreciated. 


Mon, 06/03/2013 - 07:45


I finally found a way around this - I took your suggestion on board but it was going to be a really huge rewrite when everything else was working aside from the scanline behaving itself.