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VideoPlayback App

I am getting the following warning on this line:

 [qUtils addTargetName:@"Stones & Chips" atPath:@"StonesAndChips.xml"];

/Applications/QCAR_AR/qcar-ios-1-5-3-beta1/samples/VideoPlayback/VideoPlayback/VideoPlaybackAppDelegate.mm:123:5: Instance method '-addTargetName:atPath:' not found (return type defaults to 'id')


Which results in this error for the following line

 if ([QCARutils getInstance].videoStreamStarted == YES)

/Applications/QCAR_AR/qcar-ios-1-5-3-beta1/samples/VideoPlayback/VideoPlayback/VideoPlaybackAppDelegate.mm:150:33: Property 'videoStreamStarted' not found on object of type 'QCARutils *'


Are the setup instructions (file installation path) correct in the readme.txt file?





Sat, 06/23/2012 - 14:24


Are the setup instructions (file installation path) correct in the readme.txt file?




This problem has been resolved. There where no issues with the instructions provided for setup and installation of the sample.