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Crash IL2CPP unity 5.1.1 32 bits

Vuforia SDK Version: 4.2.3 - Description with steps to reproduce:

Building for 64bit goes fine but 32bit crashes on this:


extern "C" bool QCARManagerImpl_Update_m11287 (QCARManagerImpl_t2198 * __this, int32_t ___counterRotation, const MethodInfo* method)
		bool L_20 = V_0;
		if (!L_20)
			goto IL_0116;
		FrameState_t2191 * L_21 = &(__this->___mFrameState_14);
		int32_t L_22 = (L_21->___numTrackableResults_8);
		FrameState_t2191 * L_23 = &(__this->___mFrameState_14);
		int32_t L_24 = (L_23->___numPropTrackableResults_13);
		QCARManagerImpl_InitializeTrackableContainer_m11292(__this, ((int32_t)((int32_t)L_22+(int32_t)L_24)), /*hidden argument*/NULL);
		QCARManagerImpl_UpdateCameraFrame_m11298(__this, /*hidden argument*/NULL);
		FrameState_t2191  L_25 = (__this->___mFrameState_14);
		QCARManagerImpl_UpdateTrackers_m11293(__this, L_25, /*hidden argument*/NULL);
		bool L_26 = QCARRuntimeUtilities_IsPlayMode_m1812(NULL /*static, unused*/, /*hidden argument*/NULL);
		if (!L_26)
			goto IL_010f;


those line below crash, the L_25 variables ends up null.

        FrameState_t2191  L_25 = (__this->___mFrameState_14);
	QCARManagerImpl_UpdateTrackers_m11293(__this, L_25, /*hidden argument*/NULL);


Is that a bug or something I do wrong. The same code runs with no issue on 64bit (two different iPhone6).


The problem occurs on iPhone 5, iPad2 and iPad4 (32bit). 

- Development OS (Mac OS X, Windows, Linux): MAC OSX - Mobile OS and Version: iOS 32bit - Mobile Device Manufacturer and Model name: Apple - Do the Vuforia Sample Applications show the same behavior?:


Mon, 06/29/2015 - 17:59

For what it's worth, I'm getting the same crash with the following:


Unity 5.0.3f2

Ipad 3 (32 bit)



I thought maybe I'd need to upgrade to the newest version of Unity but I believe you already have it. 


I have the same problem.

Using Unity 5.1.2f1

The app works with iPhone 6 - iOS 8.4 (64-bit).

Doesn't work with iPad 2 - iOS 8.4 (32-bit).

I already tried changing the optimization level and it didn't help.

I think I have the same issue here. My app works on iPhone 6 - ios8.3 - but all others I've tried don't. iPad 2 - ios8.4 | iphone5 - ios8.4 | iphone4 - ios7.1

It's stops at the same point that was described behind. 


My configuration is:

Hey guys, some good news here.

I have downgraded my Unity from 5.1.2f1 to 5.1.1f1 like Semrau said and everything works here, including iPhone 4.

Thanks for your time AlessandroB and I hope as soon as possible Unity fix this issue in the future versions.



I recently discovered that i'm facing the same problem.

i tried to build my app with the last version of unity (5.1.2p1), but the problem is still there.

I only noticed the issue few days ago, i was using Unity 5.1.1p1 and today i tried with 5.1.2p1. I saw in this post that the problem appears with the 5.1.1p1 so i didn't test the other versions of Unity (And i don't have any device to test with).

I am using Xcode 6.4 (6E35b).

AlessandroB, i can't try with my iPad because it's a 64bits device, but i made a distribution ipa file for a friend to test, and he used it on his iPhone4S, and the problem is still there. So the debug xcode link with the iPad seems to have no impact on this.

Thanks SuperZ.

We did reproduce the same issue on 5.1.1 patches (p1+), on 32bit iPad 2.

We will follow up with Unity and post any updates.

In the meantime, you can keep using Unity 5.1.1 f1, which does not exhibit the issue. Thank you. 

Thanks Semrau, that's helpful information.

This is not exactly what we've observed in the first place (for us using Mono2x did not make a difference), but  we'll have another round on this, based on your findings you just shared.



Fri, 07/24/2015 - 22:07

Hi all! This issue was solved here:


