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Incorrect scale set by ImageTarget

Vuforia SDK Version: vuforia-unity-android-ios-2-0-30.unitypackage - Description with steps to reproduce: If this code is used to create an Image Target at runtime, the scale is set incorrectly for the game object in Unity: string dataSetName = "QCAR/ImageTargets.xml"; DataSet.StorageType storageType = DataSet.StorageType.STORAGE_APPRESOURCE; dataSet = imageTracker.CreateDataSet(); dataSet.Load(dataSetName, storageType); imageTracker.ActivateDataSet(dataSet); StateManager stateManager = TrackerManager.Instance.GetStateManager(); foreach(TrackableBehaviour tb in stateManager.GetTrackableBehaviours()){ tb.gameObject; //the scale of this game object is 200, which is incorrect - Development OS (Mac OS X, Windows, Linux): W - Mobile OS and Version: NA - Mobile Device Manufacturer and Model name: NA - Do the Vuforia Sample Applications show the same behavior?:


Sun, 01/27/2013 - 22:13

Hi, you mention a DataSet called "ImageTarget.xml"; what is the target size (width and height) specified there ?

do you observe the same size (always 200) no matter what the size is in Image Targets ?


Weird.I do see it in the Editor if I generate it in code. As far as I understand, a marker (image target or frame marker) is a game object with an ImageTargetBehaviour or MarkerBehaviour script attached to it. By defenition, game objects are visible in the Editor in Unity.