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RuntimeImageSource issue


I am trying to build my own DataSet with images loaded from internal/external storage. I created respective JNI function that passes data about image (imagepath, name, widthinmeters) and I am experiencing few issues. I am using the latest Vuforia Android SDK 9.4.6. with android samples provided here: https://developer.vuforia.com/downloads/samples I altered the AppController.cpp with my own function to load image as trackable by example stated here https://library.vuforia.com/content/vuforia-library/en/articles/Solution/How-To-Access-and-Modify-Targets-at-Run-Time.html 

Right after successful dataset creation I am calling:

Vuforia::RuntimeImageSource* runtimeImageSource = objectTracker->getRuntimeImageSource();

I get error:

com.vuforia.engine.NativeSample E/AR: Unable to set the RuntimeImageSource. The target width cannot be 0 or smaller.

despite the error I called the setFile(...) method on runtimeImageSource and I am unable to load the image from internal/external storage (tried both, configured androidmanifest.xml for read_external_storage flag etc.) setFile is returning false. 

I am not sure if the latter is result of the error from RuntimeImageSource or is it just AndroidNDK issue related to permissions.

The code is same as stated in docs under "How to Create Targets from Image Files".

Any insight or maybe point me to some direction how to solve this?  

Thank you