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Unable to Download Database (All)

Vuforia SDK Version: 9.3.3 Unity -

Description with steps to reproduce:

License Name: Test

Target Name: Cards

Download Database (All)

Download Database

1550 of 1550 active targets will be downloaded

Name: Cards

Unity Editor


Download Error Message: There has been an error while processing your request. Please try again or search for the issue in the forums.

Development OS (Mac OS X, Windows, Linux): Windows 10 Unity 2019.4.8f1 LTS

Mobile OS and Version: na

Mobile Device Manufacturer and Model name: na


I believe you are facing a timeout issue, the db is to big to be created by our backend service and you get the error.

Could you please try and split it up in 500 chunks? ( please test the creation after 300-400 images to be sure that you are not running in the same issue)