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UWP Build Black Screen with Integrated Camera

Vuforia SDK Version: 8.3.8 - Description with steps to reproduce: I'm only able to find posts referring to users trying to use webcams/standalone. This is, as far as I'm aware, intended use of Vuforia on Windows. Steps to reproduce: Unity 2018.4.5f1. Visual Studio 2017 w/ Unity, UWP, and .NET Workloads. Create new project, enabling and installing Vuforia w/ license key and samples. Open Build Settings - Attempt to copy settings shown here despite not them being updated to include additional settings in current version of Unity 2018: https://library.vuforia.com/articles/Training/Getting-Started-with-Vuforia-for-Windows-10-Development.html (Attempted with both IL2CPP and .NET Scripting Backend). Build and Open in Visual Studio. Set build to Release - x86. "Create App Packages" - Sideloaded - x86 Selected - "Create." At this stage Unity and Visual Studio have built with no apparent errors. From here I'd transfer the package files to my Surface Pro 6 and install with Powershell. Outcome: Upon opening the app i see the splash screen and menu listing the various samples. Selecting any experience results the program asking for permission to use the camera. The scene loads with the UI appearing for that experience but no camera input is observed. Camera and Positional Tracking works when using other Windows Store apps. Would really appreciate if Vuforia updated their UWP documentation to include the new Build Settings dialogue box: https://i.imgur.com/fmltbfS.png - Development OS (Mac OS X, Windows, Linux): Windows - Mobile OS and Version: Windows 10 - Mobile Device Manufacturer and Model name: Microsoft Surface Pro 6 - Do the Vuforia Sample Applications show the same behavior?: Yes

Hold the fort. I've just double checked the requirements for UWP and I'm now updating Visual Studio to Universal Windows Platform 1803 (10.0.17134)

I'll let you know how it goes.