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Vuforia doesn't work with Unity 2021.2

Vuforia SDK Version: add-vuforia-package-10-3-2.unitypackage - Description with steps to reproduce: Create a new Unity 2021.2 project. Import the add-vuforia-package-10-3-2.unitypackage package. You will get the following error DllNotFoundException: VuforiaEngine.dll assembly: type: member:(null) Vuforia.VuEngineConfigSet.Create () (at <22c7e40132014ceebf14d40ee521b5b7>:0) Vuforia.Internal.NativeBridge.NativeEngineConfigSet..ctor (Vuforia.VuforiaConfiguration vuforiaConfiguration) (at <322f9cfa037e43d487f9bdce5f865d45>:0) Vuforia.Internal.NativeBridge.NativeEngineConfigSet..ctor (Vuforia.VuforiaConfiguration vuforiaConfiguration, System.String recordingPath) (at <322f9cfa037e43d487f9bdce5f865d45>:0) Vuforia.Internal.NativeBridge.NativeEngineFactory.CreateEngineConfig (Vuforia.VuforiaConfiguration vuforiaConfiguration, System.String recordingPath) (at <322f9cfa037e43d487f9bdce5f865d45>:0) Vuforia.Internal.Core.Engine.Init (System.String recordingPath) (at <322f9cfa037e43d487f9bdce5f865d45>:0) Vuforia.VuforiaApplication.Initialize () (at <322f9cfa037e43d487f9bdce5f865d45>:0) Vuforia.Internal.Core.OneTimeInitialization.Initialize () (at <322f9cfa037e43d487f9bdce5f865d45>:0) - Development OS (Mac OS X, Windows, Linux): Windows - Mobile OS and Version: doesn't matter - Mobile Device Manufacturer and Model name: doesn't matter - Do the Vuforia Sample Applications show the same behavior?: probably, doesn't matter.

Hey there,


Sadly I am not able to reproduce the issue on Unity 2021.2.7f1. Importing the package for me works without any error. Are you running a different version of 2021.2?


Kind regards,

Patrick Scheper

I am using Unity 2021.2.7f1, just as you. Build target is Android, on Windows 8.1 You don't get the error? Really? Oh fuck. The worst thing about a bug is when you can't replicate it. I don't have this problem on Unity 2021.1 though. Maybe it's also related to the operating system.

Hey there,


Yeah, that could be it. We officially support development on Windows v10 and not v8.1. That could be the issue. 


Kind regards,

Patrick Scheper

Technical Community Manager

Did you try to change to the android build target at least to see if you get the error, even on windows 10? Also, could you confirm that it's a problem on windows 8.1, even if you don't support it?

Hey there,


I did change the target and no error appeared. And sadly not, I cannot debug an unsupported platform. I'm sorry about that. The only possibility is to upgrade to Windows 10 in this case.


Kind regards,

Patrick Scheper