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I'm trying to force Vuforia to use VISLAM for Ground Plane. 

I'm calling this method in Awake() : VuforiaRuntimeUtilities.SetAllowedFusionProviders(FusionProviderType.VUFORIA_SENSOR_FUSION); 

Strangely, it is forcing towards VUFORIA_VISION_ONLY. 

In fact, when i call VuforiaRuntimeUtilities.GetActiveFusionProvider() i get VUFORIA_VISION_ONLY, and can't use Ground Plane anymore. 


Why is it happening ? 


Thanks in advance 


In order to use VISLAM, the device needs to be calibrated by us.

Could you please let me know with which device you are trying to force VISLAM?

Alternatively you can FUSION_PROVIDER_PLATFORM_SENSOR_FUSION to use ARKit and ARCore.

Thank you.


Tue, 04/06/2021 - 07:49

In reply to by mcotora


the device is Xiaomi Mi Mix 2.


Tue, 04/06/2021 - 12:17

In reply to by Nick89223


The device is not calibrated by us, so it does not have the VISLAM option.

I've also checked if its supported by ARCore and unfortunately it is not. https://developers.google.com/ar/discover/supported-devices. they started support with Mi Mix 2S.