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GuideView 2D in Unity Runtime how-to

(Unity 2018.1.0f2 + Vuforia 7.1.31)

Hi everybody, 

I can dynamicaly load and activate various Datasets in Runtime, model recognision and tracking works fine. But I can't find any usable example in C#, how to load (from Dataset) and use GuideView-2D. Vuforia's Model-Target-Workflow example is in C++ and I'm not able to convert it to Unity/C#, it seems that API for Unity Runtime missing GuideView part at all.

In Dataset I have files .xml,.dat and .png (outline shapes of model), but I have no clue, if GuideView source is generated by some automaticaly way (during DataSet.Load) or I have to use some code or Vuforia doesn't support GuideView in API for Unity Runtime (in Unity Editor it works fine).

If anybody have some info, how to use GuideView 2D in Runtime, please let me know.

Thank you /Jozef