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Hide virtual object behind real object

Hey guys,


first of all: the Vuforia-Plugin is great!

I work with unity.

I try to use the object recognition. It works well, but there are 2 open questions for me.

1. i want to rotate 3 cubes around the recognized object. Is it possible to hide the cubes when they are behind the recognized object? Like in real life. If anything is behind any other thing, you can not see it


2. Everytime when i import my models into unity and attach one of them to an ObjectTarget, the object does not appear in the Scene. So how do i know the real size of it? there is only a grey plane with blue borders above. I am struggeling with the correct position of my cubes and other gameobjects in relation to the recognized object



Iam sorry for the english :/


Benjamin Wolf


Yes you can hide the cube when goes behind the recognized object using the zmask shader. Create a model exactly same as recognized object and apply the zmask shader to that object (occlusion Concept) and place exactly at the recognized object position. it hides the cubes.