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Static camera but the tracking is shaky

Hi, community,


I am using Vuforia Object Scanner to track a JoyCon. The training process went more or less OK, point cloud and all, according to the data from this screenshot:

Image removed.


But the issues come when I test the model. Attached to this post is a video I have taken where the capturing device is completely still, yet the green tracking pivot seems to shake all the time without interacting with neither the object nor the camera. It does not matter if I am close or far from the object, or the orientation of the camera, the pivot will shake no matter what.


The capturing device is a OnePlus 5 running Vuforia Object Scanner 9.4.6.


Am I doing something wrong? Is the device the issue here or did I miss something?


Thank you very much in advance.


If you use extended tracking and initialise on a device that its not moved, the imu sensor data is not 100% accurate. This is why for some apps you see the prompt to move the device,in order for ARkit/ARCore to initialise properly.