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Export from Blender doesn't show up correct in Vuforia (iOS)

I have the following model in Blender (A basic model of a woman with clothes - textures are included in Blender): VIEW IMAGE. (Download Blender project). I've used the BlenderVuforiaExport plugin to export to a `.h` file that is compatible with the example files from Vuforia. I've downloaded the (simple) Image Targets example, and wanted to load the model in there. But, because the model in Blender is created from several shapes, the plugin creates a lot of objects like (based on the names of the shapes): 
 I've made some changes to the `EAGLView.mm` file to load all the objects on the same target.
    - (void) setup3dObjects
        NSValue *boxed00 = [NSValue valueWithBytes:&shapeIndexedFaceSetObject objCType:@encode(struct BlenderExportedObject)];
        NSValue *boxed01 = [NSValue valueWithBytes:&shapeIndexedFaceSet_001Object objCType:@encode(struct BlenderExportedObject)];
        // More objects here
        NSValue *boxed31 = [NSValue valueWithBytes:&shapeIndexedFaceSet_031Object objCType:@encode(struct BlenderExportedObject)];
        NSMutableArray *objects = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:boxed00, boxed01, boxed31, nil];
        for (int i = 0; i < [objects count]; i++)
            Object3D *obj3D = [[Object3D alloc] init];
            struct BlenderExportedObject unbox;
            if (strcmp([[objects objectAtIndex:i] objCType], @encode(struct BlenderExportedObject)) == 0)
                [[objects objectAtIndex:i] getValue:&unbox];
                obj3D.numVertices = unbox.numVertices;
                obj3D.vertices = unbox.vertices;
                obj3D.normals = unbox.normals;
                obj3D.texCoords = unbox.texCoords;
                obj3D.numIndices = unbox.numIndices;
                obj3D.indices = unbox.indices;
                obj3D.texture = [textures objectAtIndex:0]; // Just use the teapot texture for now
                [objects3D addObject:obj3D];
                [obj3D release];


(Download XCode project). When I now run the project, it does render the several shapes. But strangely, the objects seem to "float" mid-air and don't have the correct scale. In the result below, you'll see that the feet aren't attached to the legs, and the arms are just "floating" at a big height. The head is even further up the air. VIEW IMAGE. I'm pretty bummed right now; I thought this page might help me, but I can't seem to get any further to get all the shapes in the correct place. I hope anyone can help me out here (and maybe knows the way how to add the textures later on) - thanks!