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glError (0x502)

Hello,I created my project using the Android SDK version 2.0.31 and based on ImageTargets I am adapting my project. I'm just using the OpenGL 2.0 removed the lines of 1.0.Anyway, just putting in MVC pattern and functions usandos my native language.My project is compiling and everything, however when it detects a target it displays the following message:after renderFrame MyApp () glError (0x502)I / QCAR (800): Java_com_MyApp_RenderizaAR_renderizaFrameThis message comes from SampleUtils :: checkGlError.ok, you will tell me that the bug is in rendereizaFrame, but it is equal to extamente RenderFrame Image of targets.I have no idea what I have to look. Could give me a hint?Thank you.


In portuguese:

Olá,Criei meu projeto no Android usando a versão do SDK 2.0.31 e com base no ImageTargets estou adaptando meu projeto. Estou usando apenas o OpenGl 2.0 retirei as linhas do 1.0.Enfim, apenas colocando em padrão MVC e usandos funções da minha lingua nativa.Meu projeto está compilando e tudo, porem quando detecta um alvo ele apresenta a seguinte mensagem: after MyApp renderFrame() glError (0x502)I/QCAR(800): Java_com_MyApp_RenderizaAR_renderizaFrame

Essa mensagem vem da SampleUtils::checkGlError.

ok, você vai me dizer que o erro está na rendereizaFrame, porém ela está extamente igual com a RenderFrame do Image targets.

Não tenho mais idéia do que eu tenho que olhar. Poderiam me dar uma dica?





Thu, 04/18/2013 - 21:03


are you calling the renderFrame cuntion from the OpenGL rendering thread ?

if not, that could be one reason for the error.

Hi, does that error message prevents your app from running ? do you get a crash ?

if you see the message but the app run, you can ignore it (as that depends very much on the GPU driver)


Hi, thanks for the code ZIP file;

actually, in that code I don't see anything wrong;

could you add this line right at the beginning of the renderFrame() method:

SampleUtils::checkGlError("ImageTargets renderFrame - beginning");

