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Add App licence key (Dynamically)

Hi all,


I'm using Unity3d 2017.3.1f1 and vuforia 7.0.47

I'm trying to add App Licence key through script. i tired some way to solve this, i did't get any solution for this. 

Can any one give some suggestion to solve this. 


Hello forvuforia,

Please refer to the following documentation: https://library.vuforia.com/content/vuforia-library/en/reference/unity/classVuforia_1_1VuforiaConfiguration_1_1GenericVuforiaConfiguration.html#a6240570382626dfb19bd0a69c9151f8c


Vuforia Support


You can acces the license key through following code: VuforiaConfiguration.Instance.Vuforia.LicenseKey = "..."