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Android Crash Unity 5.5.3f1

Using the latest Vuforia package downloaded from the Unity Asset  Store (V6.2) and Unity 5.5.3f1 everything runs smoothly in the editor and I can perfectly view my image targets and associated models, however when I make a build as soon as the Vuforia behaviour starts (initiated by player input) the app crashes out.

There are no errors on the device itself (Crash to Desktop) and I cant really find the relevant error in my Monitor.bat.(Monitor bat has way too much logging...is that just me?)

I have a free Vuforia account.

Is this a known issue? Any workarounds?

Do I need to somehow script my CameraDevice to be the androids camera ?(In the inspector there is only the option to choose my webcam).

My settings :

Bundle Id: com.SitePoint.ARDemo



Api: .NET 2.0

Install Location: Automatic

Write Permission: Internal


Fingers crossed somebody can help me.

Thanks in advance



Fri, 05/12/2017 - 12:50

Here is the LogCat at (I think) the point the Vuforia behaviour is activated and the app crashes to desktop. I cant really understand this but it may have clues for some:



Are you trying to build and run on a PC? If so, Vuforia does not support that outside of Unity PlayMode.



The misunderstanding was on my part. Vuforia does support building for Android on a PC, using Unity or Studio.

I noticed from your settings that you're using IL2CPP, which is only support by Vuforia for iOS. Perhaps this is the source of the issue?