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App crashes when changing the scene in UWP

I made UWP app. Vuforia's camera display and marker reading function are working normally, but the application crashes when moving to another scene.

In Visual Studio Debug, an exception is occurring.

The place where the exception is occurring is as follows.

// System.Int32 Vuforia.VuforiaNativeWrapper::cameraDeviceDeinitCamera()
extern "C" IL2CPP_METHOD_ATTR int32_t VuforiaNativeWrapper_cameraDeviceDeinitCamera_m2294735336 (RuntimeObject * __this /* static, unused */, const RuntimeMethod* method)
typedef int32_t (DEFAULT_CALL *PInvokeFunc) ();
static PInvokeFunc il2cppPInvokeFunc;
if (il2cppPInvokeFunc == NULL)
  int parameterSize = 0;
  il2cppPInvokeFunc = il2cpp_codegen_resolve_pinvoke<PInvokeFunc>(IL2CPP_NATIVE_STRING("VuforiaWrapper"), "cameraDeviceDeinitCamera", IL2CPP_CALL_DEFAULT, CHARSET_UNICODE, parameterSize, false);

  if (il2cppPInvokeFunc == NULL)
   IL2CPP_RAISE_MANAGED_EXCEPTION(il2cpp_codegen_get_not_supported_exception("Unable to find method for p/invoke: 'cameraDeviceDeinitCamera'"), NULL, NULL);

// Native function invocation
int32_t returnValue = il2cppPInvokeFunc(); // an exception is occurring in this line.

return returnValue;

The displayed error statements are as follows.

ハンドルされない例外が 0x00007FF9CF4C966F (VBoxOGLpackspu.dll) で発生しました(MY_APP_NAME.exe 内): 0xC0000005: 場所 0x0000000000000058 の読み取り中にアクセス違反が発生しました。

The script for scene transition is as follows.

SceneManager.LoadScene ( sceneName );

Development environment Unity 2018.2.3f1 / Vuforia 5.6.26 Windows 10 / Visual Studio 2017 ver15.3.5