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The AR camera still jitters, after all these years

I've seen many posts over the years about Vuforia jittering in Unity3D. I've seen various workarounds, but none that I have seen (camera smoothing etc) have really been a very good solution.

This video looked promising https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcMiyTIa2HM but it is based on an older version of Vuforia where the AR scripts were separate from the Camera, so doesn't seem possible in V7.

Are you guys at Vuforia ever going to fix this problem? It is making my presentation look very amateurish :(




Vuforia is definitely the best at what it does.  Not sure why you're having such bad jitter issues.  Maybe share your image target and a video so we can try to debug what's going on.
Some things to note:

for a specific  assignment i need to position an augmented unity ui at some distance from the target .Iam using extended tracking.but my augmented panel shows fluctuations and jittery.I have attached a screenshot of my augmentation and target.as a target Iam using an image of pillar with a 4

If you can, look into using Vuforia 7+ ground plane feature, you probably won't find extended tracking to be satisfactory for what you are doing. Or if you don't need to walk towards or away form the content, switching to rotational tracking after target recognition may be enough for you.

Hi I am trying to detect the pillar in the scene by using an image of the pillar.the image target has a 4 star rating.I am not using ground plane.I am attaching my image target with the post.Even if i add a simple unity ui button centered with image target,the button will show fluctuations.I am u


The star rating provides a heuristic analysis of the given target, but does not necessarily represent the actual run time tracking performance. It is to provide some level of feedback to help guide developers to optimize their targets.


Fri, 12/29/2017 - 18:37

Thanks for your response!


I have attached the actual image I uploaded, and have inset a screenshot of the markers from the website.

My character's feet are at (0,0,0) and the camera is just under 1 metre away from the target.

I tested with your marker and saw no jitter, it was rock solid.  I printed it about 10cm tall and stood a couple meters away.

I followed your steps but mine still jumps around.

Is there any chance you could let me download your test solution via Google Driver or something, so I can check if it's a hardware problem or something?

Thanks for your time!



Unfortunately, I don't have it anymore.  Load up the Vuforia Image target sample project and replace with your image target to check whether it's your device causing the issue.