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ARCamera FOV Set after Vuforia Started

I have a second camera in my scene that I want to match the main camera FOV. 

Vuforia sets the AR Camera FOV at runtime, so I need to update the second camera to match it once Vuforia changes it. The following code does not work:

void Start()     {         mainCamera = Camera.main;         var vuforia = VuforiaARController.Instance;         vuforia.RegisterVuforiaStartedCallback( OnVuforiaStarted );     }

    private void OnVuforiaStarted()     {         if ( mainCamera != null )         {             GetComponentInChildren<Camera>().fieldOfView = mainCamera.fieldOfView;         }     }

(Code formatting not working)

If I wait a few additional frames, the mainCamera.fieldOfView does change to match my hardware. Is there any sort of callback/event I can listen to that gets fired when the FOV changes? 


I always do it in Update.  Maybe not ideal, but I don't think you'll see any performance impact since you're just setting a variable.

Thanks, I ended up going that route too. I didn't think about it, but since I support auto-rotation, I need to update the FOV every time the device is rotated. Probably more trouble than its worth to hook into all of those events, so update will suffice for now.