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[BUG] Accessing background plane texture bug


MixedRealityController.Instance.SetMode(MixedRealityController.Mode.HANDHELD_AR_DEVICETRACKER); MixedRealityController.Instance.SetMode(MixedRealityController.Mode.HANDHELD_AR);

After accessing BackgroundPlane.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material.mainTexture; (even just accessing it) background plane will no longer update and stay on the last captured frame. If you do not change modes, or you do not access the background texture everything works fine. I need some dedicated support here, this issue was not present on previous version of vuforia (using 8.1.7 and unity 2018.3.12) Edit: even just doing this will cause the issue var WhatIsGoingOn = BackgroundPlane.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().materials;


Thanks for the feedback. I've opened a ticket for additional investigation into the issue.


Vuforia Engine Support


Tue, 04/16/2019 - 07:07

In reply to by medabit

Thank you, in the meanwhile I managed to copy the old vuforiasupport folder from my previous unity installation into the newer one (7.5.26) and everything works fine again
If you need anything else let me know

If I share them I do not take any resposibility for any issues,

How I did it was to take the files from an old vuforia installation in another unity editor installation and copying them to the desired unity folder(i didn't have the original installer)