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Can't Add ARCamera with Unity 2019.2.6f1

Hi guys, 

I'm having trouble macking Vuforia work in Unity 2018.2.6 although I did use it successfully on previous Unity versions.

I've followed religiously https://library.vuforia.com/articles/Training/getting-started-with-vuforia-in-unity.html but the "ARCamera" never appears uneder GameObject. I did check the "Vuforia Augmented Reality Supported" option, and also tried to add manually vuforia package through the PackageManager, but the Vuforia package cannot be found.


Any help would be much appreciated, it is not even Step 1 


Could you please confirm which version of Unity are you using? -> in the title I see 2019 and in the post 2018.



I have a same issue with Unity 2019.3.12 too. There is no 'ARCamera' under GameObject menu. Thank you.


Mon, 05/04/2020 - 09:37

In reply to by AmyToon


If the ARCamera does not appear, it means that Vuforia is not installed, or has not been installed successfully.