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Cloud Image target size

Hello guys. 


i am using unity 2019.4.20f. and try to play video on Vuforia Cloud database. 

I am getting Image target size using "ImageTarget.GetSize().x && ImageTarget.GetSize().y" and set Video Quad scale on base of this. 


but issue is still little missmatch on Quad size and image target size. some time little bigger , some time little smaller or some time position little down !! 


is there any way to create pixal perfect plane on vuforia cloud target ?? 




GetSIze() returns the size of the the target in scene units. as per: https://library.vuforia.com/sites/default/files/references/unity/classVuforia_1_1ImageTargetBehaviour.html#a84343e9d384d8b7e87d836a4684c69dd