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Dynamic Load Datasets Runtime and Create Image Targets

Hello everyone,

I need help in loading different datasets from server at runtime and create the ImageTrackers for each image in the dataset.

I have followed the instructions from Vuforia about Loading Datasets at Runtime and i get an error. Please any help or directions would be welcome. 


I have attached images that display the process(as described in the tutorial) and also the error and script i am using.

The link to the tutorial from vuforia is this: https://developer.vuforia.com/forum/faq/unity-load-dataset-setup-trackables-runtime







Code Used:

using UnityEngine; using System.Collections;

using Vuforia; using System.Collections.Generic;

public class DynamicDataSetLoader : MonoBehaviour {     // specify these in Unity Inspector     public GameObject augmentationObject = null;  // you can use teapot or other object     public string dataSetName = "";  //  Assets/StreamingAssets/QCAR/DataSetName

    // Use this for initialization     void Start()     {         // Vuforia 5.0 to 6.1         //VuforiaBehaviour vb = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<VuforiaBehaviour>();         //vb.RegisterVuforiaStartedCallback(LoadDataSet);

        // Vuforia 6.2+         VuforiaARController.Instance.RegisterVuforiaStartedCallback(LoadDataSet);     }

    void LoadDataSet()     {

        ObjectTracker objectTracker = TrackerManager.Instance.GetTracker<ObjectTracker>();

        DataSet dataSet = objectTracker.CreateDataSet();

        if (dataSet.Load(dataSetName))         {

            objectTracker.Stop();  // stop tracker so that we can add new dataset

            if (!objectTracker.ActivateDataSet(dataSet))             {                 // Note: ImageTracker cannot have more than 100 total targets activated                 Debug.Log("<color=yellow>Failed to Activate DataSet: " + dataSetName + "</color>");             }

            if (!objectTracker.Start())             {                 Debug.Log("<color=yellow>Tracker Failed to Start.</color>");             }

            int counter = 0;

            IEnumerable<TrackableBehaviour> tbs = TrackerManager.Instance.GetStateManager().GetTrackableBehaviours();             foreach (TrackableBehaviour tb in tbs)             {                 if (tb.name == "New Game Object")                 {

                    // change generic name to include trackable name                     tb.gameObject.name = ++counter + ":DynamicImageTarget-" + tb.TrackableName;

                    // add additional script components for trackable                     tb.gameObject.AddComponent<DefaultTrackableEventHandler>();                     tb.gameObject.AddComponent<TurnOffBehaviour>();

                    if (augmentationObject != null)                     {                         // instantiate augmentation object and parent to trackable                         GameObject augmentation = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(augmentationObject);                         augmentation.transform.parent = tb.gameObject.transform;                         augmentation.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f);                         augmentation.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;                         augmentation.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.005f, 0.005f, 0.005f);                         augmentation.gameObject.SetActive(true);                     }                     else                     {                         Debug.Log("<color=yellow>Warning: No augmentation object specified for: " + tb.TrackableName + "</color>");                     }                 }             }         }         else         {             Debug.LogError("<color=yellow>Failed to load dataset: '" + dataSetName + "'</color>");         }     } }


When I tried to use that script. I am getting "NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object"

in the line "DataSet dataSet = objectTracker.CreateDataSet();".

Could you please help me with that?

Thanks in advance.


Wed, 01/17/2018 - 23:52

In reply to by AntoKing

Hi AntoKing,

Usually that's a sign that you are running this code before Vuforia has initialized? Do you have delayedInitlization set and/or the VuforiaBehaviour disabled?


Vuforia Support


Thanks for your reply. We haven't set "DelayedInitialization". Also when I check the console it looks like after the "Vuforia Initialization Successful" only, script is running. Please find the attached image.


Fri, 01/19/2018 - 16:08

In reply to by AntoKing

Hello again,

Select your ARCamera to see if the VuforiaBehviour is active. Are you running the same code as alexBasnett?


Vuforia Support