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Enable/Disable dynamically extended Tracking (PositionalDeviceTracker)


I have a Unity application with mutiple augmented reality scenes, using ImageTargets. For some on these scenes, I need to use Extended Tracking, and not for some others.

So I want to be able to activate/disable the extended tracking dynamically. After reading the documentation, I understood the correct method was to use the InitTracker method from the TrackerManager class. So, In the VuforiaConfiguration, I have disabled the device tracker mode because by default, I dont want to use the extended tracking. and i created this class : 


using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using Vuforia;

public class ExtendedTrackingManager : MonoBehaviour {

    public bool mustInitExtendedTracking = false;

    // Start is called before the first frame update     void Awake()     {         VuforiaARController.Instance.RegisterVuforiaInitializedCallback(OnVuforiaInitialized);     }     void OnVuforiaInitialized()     {         Debug.Log("OnVuforiaInitialized ! - " + mustInitExtendedTracking);         if (mustInitExtendedTracking)         {             DeviceTracker deviceTracker = TrackerManager.Instance.InitTracker<PositionalDeviceTracker>();             if (deviceTracker != null)             {                 Debug.Log("deviceTracker.Start()");                 deviceTracker.Start();             }         }         else         {             PositionalDeviceTracker deviceTracker = TrackerManager.Instance.InitTracker<PositionalDeviceTracker>();             if (deviceTracker != null)             {                 Debug.Log("deviceTracker.Stop()");                 deviceTracker.Reset();                 deviceTracker.ResetAnchors();                 deviceTracker.Stop();             }         }     }

    // Update is called once per frame     void Update()     {             } }



But the matter is that when the extended tracking should be enable, it doesn't work. The android logcat says :  03-18 17:49:35.117 17829 17878 I Unity   : OnVuforiaInitialized ! - True 03-18 17:49:35.117 17829 17878 I Unity   : 03-18 17:49:35.117 17829 17878 I Unity   : (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug.bindings.h Line: 45) 03-18 17:49:35.117 17829 17878 I Unity   : 03-18 17:49:35.117 17829 17878 E Unity   : PositionalDeviceTracker failed to initialize


If I try to disable the error is the same :  03-18 17:49:35.117 17829 17878 I Unity   : OnVuforiaInitialized ! - Fale 03-18 17:49:35.117 17829 17878 I Unity   : 03-18 17:49:35.117 17829 17878 I Unity   : (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug.bindings.h Line: 45) 03-18 17:49:35.117 17829 17878 I Unity   : 03-18 17:49:35.117 17829 17878 E Unity   : PositionalDeviceTracker failed to initialize


What is the correct method to enable/disable extended tracking ?  

Unity 2018 3.x Vuforia 8x

Hello medabit,

Thanks for your answer.

Maybe my question wasn't clear enough.

For now, in the application, we just have 2 possibilities : to activate or desactivate the extended tracking for all of the scenes.

You want to start/stop the PositionalDeviceTracker on a per scene basis.

This article describes how to Initialize the PDT if you don't want to start with it initialized/started for example: https://library.vuforia.com/articles/Solution/Configuring-Rotational-Tracking-in-Unity.html

I had a quick look at your project and it seems to be working for me. An easy way to verify if extended tracking is working is to cover a target and see if the augmentation is still displayed.