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Getting up and running via Unity Play Mode

I am trying to get up and running using Vuforia to track Image Markers in Unity Play Mode. I have already reverted my Unity version to 5.6.3f1 as there appears to be a compatibility issue with the newest version of Unity. I am using the Vuforia 6.2.10 package for Unity.

Here is what I have done so far ...

  1. Installed the "vuforia-unity-6-2-10.unitypackage" package into my project.
  2. Removed the "Main Camera" from the default scene.
  3. Added the ARCamera prefab to my scene.
  4. Added my developer license to the VuforiaConfiguration.
  5. Downloaded and imported my target package (which contains only 1 target) from the Target Manager.
  6. In the VuforiaConfiguration Data Sets section I checked the box next to my target database and the box next to "Activate" as well.
  7. Added ImageTarget prefab to my scene and set my database and image target on the script.
  8. I added a Cube prefab and parented it to my Image Target.
  9. I hit Play which shows me a real-time feed from the web camera but the marker is not being identified.

Am I missing something? I have searched quite a bit but all I find is a lot of old posts with dead links. Also, the documentation seems very out of date since the fields they identify (especially for play mode) don't even exist anymore. Instead of an Enable Play Mode option it is a Disable Play Mode, etc ...

Any help would be greatly appreciated!