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How to recognize targets from the database, without adding many separated ImageTraget manually?

Hi all! I'm new to making Unity+Vuforia apps and now I've made only an application in which all the targets are located in one scene as separate ImageTarget objects and on top of them are the objects that are displayed when target is recognised. Simply put, I did as shown in this (and other similar) videos: https://youtu.be/kXwcjBZxQKo?t=7m43s

Now I want to make an app with large number of targets and creating such a large number of objects for this looks weird. Is it possible to somehow substitute all the targets into one object without creating a separate ImageTraget for each target?

Many thanks!

Hello Dudnikov,

You can programmatically set these objects up. The following function demonstrates a way to loop through all trackable targets in active datasets and attach some simple components and augmentations on them.