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How to uninstall Vuforia and remove permissions

Hi, How do I uninstall/purge Vuforia from my Unity project? I'm on 5.6.0f3

I've deleted it from my Hierarchy and Assets folder but my game still requires permission to use the devices Camera and Storage. This must be legacy Vuforia as my game doesn't access these.

I've done some reading re. having to edit the manifest directly but I'd rather not hack around or have to load into Android SDK to resolve.


Hello RCrusoe,

It sounds like you'll need to remove those permissions from your Android Manifest. Removing these permissions and all the Vuforia libraries and prefabs should completely remove Vuforia from your project.


Hi Strasza,

Thanks for helping and for getting back to me so quickly, I also deleted all Vuforia references in \Assets\Plugins and that fix it.




Tue, 03/12/2019 - 01:48

Hey guys, Same here I searched for all mention of Vuforia within my Project Folder then deleted and Im back to Building in win mode :)