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Init Error

Unity: 2019.2.5f1

Vuforia: 8.3.9

Mobile Device: Google Pixel XL3

Andriod Version: 9 and 10 (I have two devices)


When I test out my app on my pc in the Unity editor, all things function as they should. However, when I create a build and install that build onto my mobile device, I get 'Init Error' Failed to initialize Vuforia Engine. 

What am I doing wrong?


Could you please provide a logcat dump when starting the app?

$ adb logcat AR:D Unity:D *:S

Thank you.

Vuforia Engine Support


Unfortunately I was out yesterday. I looked over the log and found following error:

09-17 11:51:40.362  8321  8357 E Unity   : It's not possible to have two ARCameras at the same time 

Could you please delete the second camera from your scene?
