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integrating Unity ARFoundation with Vuforia not working

Hi, My application is not working after I followed https://library.vuforia.com/articles/Solution/ar-foundation.html to integrate Unity ARFoundation to Vuforia project. 

if i added any Vuforia elements in scene such as image target, the camera will become very laggy and all ARFoundation function such as Environment probs will not working.

After I deleted the Vuforia element, all the ARFoundation function will become normal.

Is anyone facing this problem and fixed?

Thank you so much.

Vuforia version : 9.6.4

ARFoundation verion : 4.0

ARCore version : 4.0

ARKit version : 4.0

Unity version : 2019.4.10f1






Are you experiencing this lag/performance drop in playmode? or on a device? if on a device, please specify the device.

Thank you.

Vuforia Engine Support

Similar issue - Completely clean project trying to integrate ARFoundation with Vuforia following the guide here; https://library.vuforia.com/unity-extension/vuforia-engine-and-ar-foundation

Unity 2021.1.22f1
URP 11.0.0
Vuforia 10.2.5
AR Foundation 4.1.7