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iOS Video Prefab doesnt play

Hi  I am working on an app that downloads a video to a folder in the persistent data path and then in another scene instantiates the video prefab in a marker. Everything is working as supposed in android but then when testing in iOS device the video doesnt play GameObject arVideo = Instantiate(videoPrefab,new Vector3(0f,0.1f,0f), videoPrefab.transform.rotation) as GameObject;

VideoPlaybackBehaviour tmpVideoPlayer = arVideo.GetComponent<VideoPlaybackBehaviour>();  tmpVideoPlayer.m_path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/videos/myvideo.mp4"; I am setting the video this way also tested with a version including "file://" but nothing changed Any tip to solve this issue is appreciated  Thanks in advance  Best regards, Ghus


Thu, 04/27/2017 - 12:36

I had similar problem and I modify VideoPlayerHelper.cs in section #elif (UNITY_IPHONE || UNITY_IOS)

Try something like this:

mFilename = filename;