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Load DataSet from File

Hello! I'm currently trying to load a dataset from Application.persistentDataPath however I can't figure out why it doesn't work.


What I tried right now: 1. Created a new project

2. Enabled vuforia in player settings

3. Added an ar camera

4. Created a new script with the following content and attached it to a empty gameobject:

public class VuforiaLoader : MonoBehaviour {
    void Start () {

    private void LoadDataSet()
        ObjectTracker objectTracer = TrackerManager.Instance.GetTracker<ObjectTracker>();

        DataSet dataSet = objectTracer.CreateDataSet();

        var path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/Vuforia/" + "Spheres.xml";
        var type = VuforiaUnity.StorageType.STORAGE_ABSOLUTE;
        Debug.Log("Loading dataset " + path);

        if (!DataSet.Exists(path, type)) {
            Debug.LogError("<color=blue>Data set doesn't exist</color>");
        } else {
            Debug.LogError("<color=orange>Data set exists</color>");

        if (!dataSet.Load(path, type)) {
            Debug.LogError("Couldn't load dataset");

        if (!objectTracer.ActivateDataSet(dataSet)) {
            Debug.LogError("Failed to activate dataset");

        if (!objectTracer.Start()) {
            Debug.LogError("Failed to start tracker");


5. Created a Image Target Database with 2 Targets in it called "Spheres"

6. Put the two files to C:\Users\user\AppData\LocalLow\DefaultCompany\VuforiaTests\Vuforia    Spheres.xml     and      Spheres.dat

7. Ran the project



According to DataSet.Exists() the dataset exists, but dataSet.Load() isn't able to load the DataSet. Could somebody help?


Image removed.


Have you reviewed the following article?



Vuforia Engine Support


Yes I did!

The targets load wonderfully when I put them into Assets/StreamingAssets/Vuforia.


I've also looked around on the forum and googled quite a bit and tried out lots of different solutions to this problem.

For example I found this link: https://developer.vuforia.com/forum/unity-3-extension-technical-discussion/loading-datasets-external-scources

Alright I fixed it.


Problem was that I didn't use a key and thought (in dev player) that it'd work without one as well since it didn't give me an error message that it's missing one.