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Marker not recognised on device (Android)


I recently switched to Unity 2017.3 and created a sample project with Vuforia. Everything was smooth, intuitive and it worked. However, the moment I deployed a build to my device (Nexus 6P, Android), it stopped working.

The App opens and I can see Vuforia's camera looking for the marker, but when I put the marker in front it does not recognised it. It does recognise the markers provided with the Vuforia Package that gets imported in Unity when you add the Vuforia GameObjects, but not with the marker from a Database (downloaded from Vuforia Targets webpage) I imported.

I tried to force to swap to my Database using this script without success.

private void VuforiaSetUp()     {         Debug.Log("Setting up Vuforia...");         var config = VuforiaConfiguration.Instance;         var dbConfig = config.DatabaseLoad;         //var stConfig = config.SmartTerrainTracker;

        // all settings which are changed for a scene, have to be reset here         // because any change is persistent throughout the whole application         dbConfig.DataSetsToLoad = dbConfig.DataSetsToActivate = new string[0];         //stConfig.AutoInitAndStartTracker = stConfig.AutoInitBuilder = false;         config.Vuforia.MaxSimultaneousImageTargets = 1;

        dbConfig.DataSetsToLoad = new[] { "Veolia" };         dbConfig.DataSetsToActivate = new[] { "Veolia" };     }

I am developing using OSX and I updated the latest Unity Patch, 2017.3.0p3, but I still find this behaviour when I deploy to my device. The VuforiaConfiguration has a License Key, my Database is loaded and activated, the ImageTarget has the right Database and Marker selected, and it works on the Editor.

Is there something I am missing? I am at a loss here, any guidance would be of great help.

In the meantime I went back to Unity 2017.1.f1 + Vuforia 6.2.10 and was able to reproduce this project and having it working on my device without needing to use the above script or anything of the sort, just the ARCamera, ImageTarget and my Database and Marker.

Thanks in advance.

Any news about this, I am also experiencing the same, on iOS all work OK, but sometimes on Android it seems the markers are not detected. Working with the latest Unity (2018.2.1f1) and Vuforia (7.2.23) available so far. I cannot reproduce the problem on all occasions