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Mirror Video Background Does nothing

I'm making a project using Vuforia that actually involves a mirror and all of my problems would be fixed if I could just mirror the camera output. I've read a lot of posts here including https://developer.vuforia.com/forum/faq/unity-how-select-camera-and-mirroring, however when I turn Mirror video background to ON, nothing changes. Am I just not understanding this feature and is there any way to just flip the camera?

Many thanks in advance!


Fri, 08/03/2018 - 13:40

I was wondering this for a long time, too. I always thought that it would mirror the video background, but it just does - nothing. At least, nothing perceptible.

What about doing a Gameobject.Find("BackgroundPlane") and giving it a negative x scale?  Seems to work in the editor, haven't tried on device.
Or mirror whole camera? there's a few answers on this page: https://answers.unity.com/questions/20337/flipmirror-camera.html

What about setting a layer on your AR model. adding an additional camera as a child of ARcamera, and cull everything but the new layer and set also to a negative scale to flip it back.  Youll also need to have a setup script that matches the ARcamera FOV and such to new camera.

another thing to try is rotating the background plane

void Update () { GameObject.Find("BackgroundPlane").transform.localEulerAngles= new Vector3(-90,-180,0); }


So after a bit of debugging I have found that the post processing layer on the camera overrides the mirror camera. After disable post processing stack this worked better.